Minggu, 03 November 2019



          The development and use of technical devices that help in virtually all forms of human activity, entertainment, education, trade, government and communications are nothing out the ordinary. People have always acquired new devices or equipment as their need for them arose and as long as those devices were available. As a matter of fact, the entire history of mankind has been permeated by the unstopping endeavour to tame, cultivate and wield natural forces trough improved processes and artefacts. In a sense, then, the history of mankind is also a history of the development of artefacts, the history of technology. The internet has replaced the position of libraries or books which are repositories of knowledge. All information from the past until now is contained quite complete on the internet. Sites like "wikipedia" become the largest online library, where almost all information we will get easily and for free (pay only internet access fees).

           Countries that control the internet in the millennium era are certain to be developed countries if the internet is used wisely, especially in the fields of research, education, administration, socialization, networking and business. With the internet, we know quickly the development of technological research in various parts of the world. Through online administration in government, the practice of corruption in making letters can be minimized.

              From the data INTERNET WORLD STATUS, in the last decade the number of internet users (netter) in the world increased dramatically. From 0.4% of all the world's population in 1995, it has now increased nearly 60 times in 2008. And since 2000, the growth of the world netter has increased by an average of 2% of the total world population.

Year Internet User Population
1995  16,000,000       0.4%
1996  36,000,000       0.9%
1997  70,000,000       1.7%
1998  147,000,000     3.6%
1999  248,000,000     4.1%
2000  361,000,000     5.8%
2001  513,000,000     8.6%
2002  587,000,000     9.4%
2003  719,000,000     11.1%
2004  817,000,000     12.7%
2005  1,018,000,000  15.7%
2006  1,093,000,000  16.7%
2007  1,319,000,000  20.0%
2008  1,565,000,000  23.3%
2009  1,802,000,000  27.9%
2011  2,267,000,000  34.5%
2013  2,800,000,000  44.9%

            Of the 1.5 billion netters currently, 41% are in Asia, followed by Europe 25% followed by North America 16%. And Africa is the continent with the smallest netter level in the world at only 5.6%.The large number in Asian countries is very reasonable considering that more than 55% of the world's population is in the Asian continent, which is 3.7 billion people out of the total world population of 6.7 billion people. While the largest percentage of netter to the total world population is still held by the countries in the North American region (United States and Canada) which reach 73.1%. Meanwhile, net penetration in Asia only reached 17.2%.

              With the growth trend of the internet in recent years, Indonesia has become a very potential netter market share. It is estimated that for 2008, 2009 and 2010, Indonesia's netter growth trend will increase by an average of 20%. Beginning in 2008, the number of Indonesian netters was around 25 million users. And at the end of 2008 it was estimated that it had reached 30 million users. But this 30 million figure is still relatively small because only 13% of Indonesia's population enjoys internet facilities, this figure is still far from the world net penetration reaching 23.5% or 17.2% in Asia. The percentage of Indonesian netters (13%) is still far behind that of neighboring countries in Asia such as Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and China.
Malaysia: 62.8% netter
Philippines: 14.6%
Thailand: 20.5%
Vietnam: 24.2%
China: 22.4%
South Korea: 76.1%
Japan: 73.1%

           From the penetration data above, the mastery of information technology in the Indonesian internet field is still inferior to neighboring countries. This should be a trigger for the government and internet service providers to continue to encourage internet growth, both in terms of facilities, speed and cost. And in terms of the 1945 Constitution, internet services can be included in the business category that controls the lives of many people. So, it is better if the government establishes a law while establishing a state-owned company that provides internet services to the wider community given the importance of the internet in the wheels of education, information and our economy.

          As the conclusion the size of the growth of netter without strict regulations and law inforcement from the government and its law enforcement agencies, will result in the presence of the internet instead of providing huge benefits but could be disastrous for this nation. Every technology will be useful if managed and utilized appropriately and wisely. If not, disaster and disaster will befall

Endeshaw, Assafa. 2001. Internet and E-Commerce Law. Singapore: Pearson Education Asia Pte Ltd